Welcome to those who are of the mindset that the path to healing in the world begins within.
Those who know us best reflect us. Being known over time provides us the gift of being fully seen. When an other truly sees us, we see ourself. The same is true of our reflection of God. As our soul is made smooth like a reflecting glass or mirror, it shines with the image of God. Achieving this smooth surface is the work of our lifetime. Removing the ruts of habitual patterns of thinking or behavior. Noticing & releasing the lofty thoughts that are beyond the present moment. As we allow this process to smooth us, we provide a visual & experiential presence where others may experience the Divine presence. This often occurs without our knowledge which is always best.
Contemplative Activity:
Take a deep breath & picture a dry landscape with deep ruts. Imagine a light rain that naturally flows into these well worn grooves. Now imagine the surface being gently pushed from beneath lifting the ruts to create a smooth, flat surface. Take another deep breath & picture painted mountain peaks. Imagine the artist's brush stroking over the tops of the mountains leveling them to appear as a plush field. Take another deep breath & picture a crooked road. Now imagine grasping the road as you would a long cloth that you lift & lay down gracefully to cover a table. Enjoy deeply the images of the raised ground & leveled mountains as well as the straightened road providing a constant surface.
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